How to Register a Cordless Handset to a Base

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Revision as of 17:32, 12 May 2023 by Cbecker (talk | contribs)
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  1. Locate your cordless base, it will look like the image below

  2. Press and hold the WiFi symbol until the handset light begins to blink

Registering a Brand New Handset

  1. Press the reg key on the bottom left of the screen
  2. Once the base is found, press the OK button in the bottom right
  3. Enter the PIN of 0000 and press OK
  4. Your handset should now subscribe to the base and start working

Registering an Existing Handset

  1. Press the OK button in the center of the cordless phone
  2. Using the arrow keys, navigate to the Settings icon
  3. Scroll down to Registration and then press OK
  4. Press OK on Register Handset
  5. Find an Open Base slot if the first one has a MAC address populated already. Then press the OK button
  6. Once the base is found, press the OK button on the bottom right of the screen
  7. Enter the PIN of 0000 and press OK
  8. Your handset should now be subscribed to the base and start working