Dial by Name Directory
This page is part of the NOVA Manager Portal section.
Instead of listing out your employees, you can have a dial by name directory. This will allow the caller to enter the first 3 digits of the first name of the person they wish to reach.
Nova Portal
Log in to nova.vestednetworks.com and navigate to the tab labeled Auto Attendants.
Auto Attendants
If you do not have an Auto Attendant already, create a new one by clicking "Add Attendant" in the top right.
Add Attendant
Add an Auto Attendant
You will be greeted with the below screen.
Enter a new extension number, give it a name, then set the time frame to default.
File:Manager-Guide Dial-By-Name2.png Note: Extension must be unused within your domain (new).
Once the AA is created, you need to assign the option of a Dial by Name Directory to whatever number you want the caller to press. In this example we are using option 2 from the Dial Pad Menu.
Once you have the option selected, press the Save icon
Nova Portal - Users
Now you need to make sure your users are setup to be dialed from the Dial by Name directory option. Click on the Users tab
Select User
Click on a user you want to be available as an option in the Dial by Name Directory. Make sure the following two checkboxes are checked in the users profile:
Voicemail TabLastly, every user MUST have a recorded name tied to them. To find this click on the Voicemail tab
Scroll down to the Greetings section and find the option for Recorded Name
Once there, you can listen to the current name by clicking the , download the name by clicking and modify the name by clicking the . When recording a new name, you have 3 options to choose from
- Text to Speech: This will allow you to choose an automated voice and then type what the users name is
- Upload: This will allow you to upload an MP3 or WAV file to use for the recorded name
- Record: This will allow you to use the system to record a new name. In the Call Me At box, you can enter a cellphone number or an extension number. Then you click call to have the system call that device to record the name
Once all of this is setup, test it!
If you have any questions about this process, or if you need assistance, please reach out to our Support Team by dialing HELP(4357) on your desk phone, calling (972) 924-6488, or submitting a ticket