Default Feature/Star Codes

From Vested Networks
Revision as of 16:49, 12 May 2023 by Cbecker (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{| class="wikitable" |Star Code |Action |- |*35+EXT |Direct call pickup, allows you to pickup a call ringing on another extension. Ex. *35102 |- |*51 |Call Queue Login |- |*52 |Call Queue Logout |- |*67+Nmbr |To Connection w/Privacy (Hide Caller ID) |- |*72 +Nmbr |Set call forwarding destination |- |*73 |Disable Call Forwarding destination |- |*78 |Activate DND (Do Not Disturb) |- |*79 |De-Activate DND |- |*98 |To Voicemail Menu |} {| class="wikitable" |Feature Codes |...")
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Star Code Action
*35+EXT Direct call pickup, allows you to pickup a call ringing on another extension. Ex. *35102
*51 Call Queue Login
*52 Call Queue Logout
*67+Nmbr To Connection w/Privacy (Hide Caller ID)
*72 +Nmbr Set call forwarding destination
*73 Disable Call Forwarding destination
*78 Activate DND (Do Not Disturb)
*79 De-Activate DND
*98 To Voicemail Menu
Feature Codes Action
7+EXT Call/Transfer to Voicemail Ex. 7102
99+EXT To Device Auto Answer (Intercom) Ex. 99102
4357(HELP) Direct call to Vested Tech Support
5001 Own Device Voicemail
721/722/723 Call Parking/Pickup
933 Check Emergency Address Listing. Used to verify your caller number is linked to your address for 911 calling
007+EXT Listen in on a call Ex. 007102
*78 Whisper to Agent while listening in
*79 Talk to both parties while listening in
*77 Go back to just listening on the call
*80 Start recording active call (must be dialed while on the call you want to record)
*81 Stop recording active call (must be dialed while on the call you want to stop recording)
*82 Pause recording active call (must be dialed while on the call you want to pause)
*83 Un-Pause recording active call (must be dialed while on the call you want to un-pause)
Cellphone Feature Code to be dialed while the call is active Action/Description
*3+EXT Transfers the call to another extension Ex. *3102
*3+721/722 This will park the call on your domain Ex. *3721 or *3722
*4+EXT Transfers the call to another extension. Ex. *43212